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Free Family Group Matrix Session- Two

Writer's picture: Jacquie McIntyreJacquie McIntyre

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

Jacquie McIntyre Blog

Here's the recording of the second free family matrix session I recently offered. At any point in time you can watch, participate and receive the benefits from this. The sessions are timeless.

Please remember to subscribe to my YouTube channel for new regular videos.

This session includes you and your family matrix. Immediate in your house, and to some degree also includes your extended family matrix living outside your home.

And to connect more frequently with me, receive tools, tips, resources and learn about integrative medicine, please join me in my Global Community Group on my website- set yourself up with a free account, join the group and be part of the wonderful global community we have.

Please add any comments or questions below and I'll either save them for answering at the next session or answer you directly- depending on what your question is.

Add any of your own observations of shifts and changes that you notice within you or your family during this session and over the coming weeks in the comments below.

The next follow up session to this will be March 5th at 9AM AEST (Brisbane, Australia time) live streamed into my YouTube channel.

Gifted with love and appreciation.


Jacquie xx


Jacquie McIntyre

About Jacquie...

Knowledge sharer, wisdom bringer, light shiner and fierce supporter of you and your journey.

Jacquie advocates for people's potential and the return journey to Self- she shares her knowledge in all things healthcare, consciousness and body psychology whilst inspiring people to be the most exceptional version of themselves that they can possibly be.

Through private treatment sessions, seminars, workshops based in integrated consciousness healthcare and founder of the My Incredible Orbit community that gets you the powerful results you so deeply desire.

Consciousness based healthcare, where the best version of you and your journey towards a sensational life awaits you.



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