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Demonstration Session for a Person

Writer: Jacquie McIntyreJacquie McIntyre

Jacquie McIntyre Demonstration Session for a Person

I'm so excited to share with you one of my clients sessions I facilitated for them recently.

Consciousness based healthcare has this massive ability to be super effective and very often life changing for you, just by participating in watching a session like this, so settle in.

This time, I'm bringing you a session I very recently facilitated for a beautiful kind hearted client of mine.

She wanted to share her session with the wider global community. She's been having sessions long enough now to know that there's a ripple effect of positivity and change when we do this. So, join me in thanking her for her open heart and generosity for sharing this with us all.

Join and tap on your Head, Heart and Gut Brains when I do too. Relax, enjoy and be ready to receive your own awareness's and change from it. It sits there in potential just waiting for you to be open to it.


Ps: If you missed my previous posts, What is a Business Matrix Session and haven't yet watched the Demonstration Business Matrix Session, be sure to watch them too to get the most from your own healing journey.

Below is the steps for booking your own session if your not familiar with that.

Remember... Live life on your own terms

Jacquie xx

How to book your very own session with Jacquie

1. Simply make a booking and fill in your details on the booking form.

2. You'll receive a confirmation email, please check your spam folder if you can't find it. 3. If I have any additional pressing questions, I'll likely ask these at the beginning of our time together.

4. If you've not had a session with Jacquie before, you might like to check out this page Working with me... it has all the answers to the most asked questions about sessions.

5. The moment you make an appointment for a session, you begin the process of shifting and releasing what is going to be prioritized in your session. It's important you aware of this natural process, as it's quiet common and it can look like a lot is happening in your life (sometimes we don't like it).


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About Jacquie...

Jacquie McIntyre

Jacquie's a life journier and it's seen her grow and build an eclectic mix of abilities, interests and artistry's that

stemmed from her heart connection to the animal kingdom as a child, her deep fascination for human and animal psychology, mashed into that was her ever present love affair with all forms of creativity. ​

She knows all to well that it's impossible to neatly fit us into boxes, nor do the labels fit the true sentience of who we are. And that's why she has integrated her blend of integrative medicine, whole healthcare, community and creativity to this very space. If your willing to dive in with her, prepare to be loved and supported while you embark on this incredible return journey to self.

Through private treatment sessions, seminars, workshops based in integrated consciousness healthcare and founder of the My Incredible Orbit community that gets you the powerful results you so deeply desire.

Consciousness based healthcare, where the best version of you and your journey towards a sensational life awaits you.


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