From the Table is a series of conversational articles which have been birthed from the weeks treatments with Jacquie McIntyre- showcasing some interesting concepts and issues that people face in their journey to body-mind health and deep happiness. (all names have been changed)

In this weeks edition of From the Table we introduce a client called "Natalie".
Just like so many people in life, the first 5 to 7 years of her existence had profoundly shaped her and had been affecting her ability to communicate and express herself in healthy ways. It caused relationship and connections to go south and sour.
Here is her story...
Don't forget to share your own experiences and thoughts. And of course you can always ask me questions by emailing me at info@jacquiemcintyre.com
Thanks for joining me again for another edition of From the Table, see you next week.
Jacquie xx
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About Jacquie...
Knowledge sharer, wisdom bringer, light shiner and fierce supporter of you and your journey.
Jacquie advocates for people's potential, and the return journey to Self- she shares her knowledge in all things healthcare, consciousness and body psychology whilst inspiring people to be the most exceptional version of themselves that they can possibly be.
Through private treatment sessions, seminars, workshops based in integrated consciousness healthcare and founder of the My Incredible Orbit community that gets you the powerful results you so deeply desire.
Consciousness based healthcare, where the best version of you and your journey towards a sensational life awaits you.