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I'm featured in MysticMag: Read My Latest Interview
It was an incredible opportunity to discuss various aspects of my journey over the past 18 years, and I’m excited to share it with you.
Latest from my blog

Jacquie McIntyre
Dec 27, 20194 min read
Day two- End of decade review 2019
When someone backs themself and takes the plunge into something scary, I'm right behind them supporting them to the finish line....

Jacquie McIntyre
Dec 27, 20195 min read
End of decade review begins today...
What a year! That's what a lot of clients are saying...PHEW!... What an interesting year.
As a year always was a mixed bag of...

Jacquie McIntyre
Dec 11, 20193 min read
How's your money boundaries? Here's why they are so important.
How's your healthy boundaries with money going?
"Healthy boundaries you say? opposed to unhealthy ones?"...Yep!
There are healthy and

Jacquie McIntyre
Dec 2, 20195 min read
Can you be more than one thing at a time?
What I found super interesting is the amount of people who have asked me if I'm still practicing as a integrated healthcare practitioner....

Jacquie McIntyre
Nov 18, 20196 min read
Holidays are like a warm hug with an old friend.
Do you have any fond memories of seeing old old friend who you haven't seen in what feels like a gazillion years? Your...

Jacquie McIntyre
Oct 14, 20194 min read
When masks are destructive
Some people you learnt from were wounded, maybe it was your Mum or a teacher, aunt or friends.... Wounded by their own experiences of life,

Jacquie McIntyre
Oct 10, 20195 min read
What I'm working through right now
Trust is what I'm working through right now.
Heart breaking trust issues.
I've met quite a lot of people over the years who know that I'm

Jacquie McIntyre
Sep 11, 20198 min read
Question everything- you don't need permission.
This might just be one of the most important things you realize. You don't need my don't need anyone's permission actually

Jacquie McIntyre
Aug 21, 20194 min read
It's been an experience of firsts
Do you ever feel like celebrating the first time you drive on a road you've never been down before?....or walked on ground you've never...
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